Saturday, October 8, 2011



Now suda 2 am , tp mata ak still x boleh nk tutup , so , terCIPTA la entry SENGAL nie . 

apa yg ak nk crita ? erk ? haha .act is about fren .

korang ada kwn ? of cos la kn . tp BESFREN ? fren n besfren sama ke ? 

apa pndapat korang tntg besfren ? PENTING ke ?? what type of people that we call besfren ? 

yeah ~ rmai ckp besfren ni mcm sister la. semua rhsia share sama2. susa sng sama2. ad ke hah ? untungla klau ada kn. UNTUNG la ~~~ =__=

its hard ! sumtimes we thought that they ar our besfren , but they not feel the same way. kire SS la nie. sobsob T__T  sentap hati ow ~ 

girl kn sensitip skit, *sensitip ke ? so, mmg prlukan sumone to talk n share with. spend time together, laugh, 

cry, n bla bla bla. . . tp klau x de. berdiam diri lebih baik hekk ~ 

When i tell you ILOVEYOU 
i dont say it out of habit or to make conversation .
i say it to you so you NEVER FORGET that you are
the BEST thing that ever happened to me .

thanks to all my fren yg sudi kwn dgn saya <3 <3 :')  SORRY coz im not PERFECT. 

Network Topology

  TARAA ~ heek ! new post utk tatapan anda semua. ^.^

what is TOPOLOGY ?

A network topology refers to the layout of the computers and devices in a communications network.


There are two basic categories of network topologies:

  • Physical topologies - arrangement of cabling    
  • Logicals topologies - the path that data travels between computers on a netwrok.

there are THREE types of network topology :
- Bus Network Topology
- Star Network Topology
- Ring Network Topology


  • A bus network consists of a single cable (backbone), to which all computers and other devices connect
  • Those signals are sent as electrical pulses that travel along the length of the cable in all directions 

1. Bus networks are inexpensive and easy to install.

2. Computers and other devices can be attached and detached at any point on the bus without disturbing the rest of the network.

3. Failure of one device usually does not affect the rest of the bus network


1. There might be disruption when computer or other devices are added or removed.

2. Because all systems on the network connect to  a single cable or backbone, a break in the cable will prevent all systems from accessing the network.

3. It is difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shut down.



  •  All the computers and other devices on the network connect to a central device, thus forming a star. 
  •  Two types of devices that provide a common central connection point to all the other devices on the network are a hub and a switch.


1. If one device fails, only that device is affected.

2. Devices can be added to or removed from network with little or no disruption.

3. Easy to troubleshoot and isolate problem


1. If the hub or switch fails, the entire network will be inoperabled.

2. Requires more cable than most of the other topologies.

3. More expensive because of the cost of the hub/switch.


  • On a ring network, a cable forms a closed loop (ring) with all computers and devices arranged along the ring
  •  Token passing is one method for sending data around a ring


1. The transmission of data is relatively simple as packets travel in one direction only.

2. Cable faults are easily located, making troubleshooting easier.

3. The uses of token passing enables all devices in a ring topology to share the network resources fairly.


1. A failure in any cable or device breaks the loop and can take down the entire network.

2. Data packets must pass through every computer therefore, this makes it slower.

3. A ring network can span a larger distance than a bus network, but it is more difficult to install.



*p/s : entry nie sbnrnya tuk keje sc com ak. mntak maap, copy paste brlaku di sini. nota x bwk balik. x taw nk tulih apa ~~ sobsob T_T