Sunday, November 20, 2011

hari yg membosankan

hello all ! ! ! ^____^

hari ni, (20 nov) ak kt kmpk, pergh, busan gila la, mmg x taw nk buat weeyyy ~~. =_=
well, class x start lg kan, so, mmg busan la, buku pon x beli lagi, whole day nie mmg ak bermesraan dgn katil je la, hahahahha, kwn ak INTAN g outin, wahh, untungla, ak nk outin pon x taw nk beli apa, plus DUIT x da. T__T

kay, then, ak mkn magie msa ptg, mklumla, jimat, hahaha :D 
then, ak baca komik n novel, pergh, mmg busan gila, nk tgk movie, tp.. xda movie wuu~~ sadis btui, 
THANKS to INTAN RAIHANAH, mcm taw2 je ak lapa kan, dy beli zinger burger kt ak. thank you sayang! hehehehehe~~ :P

thanks intan ^_^

thats all. :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Haji !

hey you hey you ! READ this ! >.<

hah, ak pon x taw nk cite apa sgt, raya pon sehari je. so, crita pon sikit je. hehe~

mcm biasa la kn, ak raya tiap2 tahun dkt kmpung ak. KG TERSUSUN, BATU GAJAH. bes balik kg, tp yg x bes tu. xde entertainmnt. busan gila gila klau ak duk lama2, mmg x taw nk buat apa la crita dy, kg ak pon bkn ada internet, astro n segala bagai kn. 

kay, bangun2 je tido. lpas solat subuh, dh denga tkbir raya. wuu ~ semangt ak pagi2 tu. trus g mkn , haha, pas tu ak pon smgt la nk pkai bju segala bagai. pergh ! p la iron baju. tengah2 iron baju. ak angkt iron. bju dh berlubang. HAHA. mmg terBAIK la . yeah ! mmg time ak iron tu, ak termenunggggg. n terpkir sumting, tp x sngka la kn.angkt2 iron. dh berlubang. =____=

tp kn, slmat la kecik je lubang tu. haha. lubang tu kt bahu. so, pkai tudung kn. msti la x nmpk. HAHA. kaver la dgn tudung. dr shawl. trus tuka bawal. ttup segala lubang. mmg org lain x prasan. hehe ~~ 

lpas tu, bru la pegi solat raya ssemua. (x ramai pon) lpas balik je, trus lari g dapur balik, MAKAN ! >.< ktupat, lemang, rendang, kuih, kek, heheh ~ 

x lama lpas tu. bru sedara mara dtg, dgn budak2 kecik yg comey comey. hehe. tp x seramai raya aidilfitri la. sbb rmai x balik. raya haji thun nie pon. xde pon pegi mlawat rumah sesapa. lpas mkn2 rumah sedara, trus balik taiping, (rumah terCINTA)

smpai taiping, singgah GIANT. beli bwang, sayur segala mcm tuk msak untuk esok. abang abang saya akn pulang ke rumah bersama isteri dan anak2. wuu ~  i miss u ALEESYA AMANI. lets play kite ! huhauahua. 

ukey, itu saja la untuk entry kali ini.  ^____^
gmba raya xde. kalau ada, nnti akn diupload. :)



Thursday, November 3, 2011

i'm HOME !

                                                                 yeah ! HELLO all ~ >.<

yes ! finally, ak dh smpai rumah ! bes sgt sgt sgt sgt ! hahaha. even ak slalu balik rumah. tp cuti 2 mnggu nie mmg brmkna lah ! sbb ? sbb ak balik tnpa buku. hehehe . wuu ~ no more books. ak nk TIDO puas puas ! HAHAHA. ak x nk balik KMPK ! ! ergh ! =.="  mcm la boleh kn.

alang2 ak dh cuti lama nie. ak nk story skit psl kehidupan ak kt KMPK nie. yeah ! mula2 masuk sinie. ak x de la homesick sgt, sbb rmai kwn kot. i mean. rmai budak skula lama ak. so, ak x rasa la alone sgt.
then, time mula2 belaja. bes. haha. mklum lah. 1st 1st mestila xcited kn ? HEHE ~ tp, lama2. pergh. Tuhan je taw. perit hidup ak. wuuu TT___TT

dgn assgnmnt, study, exam. wuu.~ x snggup wey , rasa nk klua je. tp sabo je la kan. dh la ak nie jenis suka
main2, mmg xde la istilah strugglenye kn. hari2 enjoy. las2 time nk exam. kelam kabut baca. kalau utak ak nie
jnis IQ tinggi pnya xpa la kn. skali baca trus phm. nie... utak ptrick skit. hah. hamek kau . =.=
dduk sini, bes la jgak. facilities dy quite good la. plus, 1st time ak dduk hostel kn. kire ukey la jugak. sbb ak
boleh adapt dgn environment. (adaptive radiation) HAHA >.<

tp, lama2 ak rasa alone. hehe. sbb member lama ak semua dh hilang. masing2 ada haluan sndiri.dh ada kwn
sndiri. clasmate sndiri. kdg2 ak ada gak la rasa trpinggir. tp... bila pk balik. ak kena think +ve kn ? plus, ak
sorang je yang ambik modul lain. yg lain semua sama. agak terasa. slamat la rum8 ak ukey. kire ak ada la yg
nk di ajak pergi mkn, or pergi mana2. well, lumrah kehidupan. terima je la. kadang2 apa yg kita rasa x betul
tu la yg terBAIK tuk kita kn ? wuu ~

ukey ~ now. biar ak introduce skit psl KMPK nie ha. erk. ak nk bbuh pic, tp usb prob. so, ak perlu postpon
kn dlu. nnti ak update kay !

then, psl clasmate, class ak semua girl ! no boys allowed ! haha, bes ! bebas ! nk HUHA HUHA pon x pe. hehe ~

nie ha serba sedikit gmba clasmate :)  erk sorry. x leh nk bbuh semua. gmba nie je yg ada kt lappy. :"(

nie la baju matrik ak. haha. HIJAU n KUNING =.="

nie dlm lecture ! hehe >.< 

lepas abis kelas sir NAIM ! woooo ~~

hek ~ nie before kitorang nk g JAMUAN RAYA ! hehehe ^^

kay ~ nnti smbung. penat tulis . :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011



Now suda 2 am , tp mata ak still x boleh nk tutup , so , terCIPTA la entry SENGAL nie . 

apa yg ak nk crita ? erk ? haha .act is about fren .

korang ada kwn ? of cos la kn . tp BESFREN ? fren n besfren sama ke ? 

apa pndapat korang tntg besfren ? PENTING ke ?? what type of people that we call besfren ? 

yeah ~ rmai ckp besfren ni mcm sister la. semua rhsia share sama2. susa sng sama2. ad ke hah ? untungla klau ada kn. UNTUNG la ~~~ =__=

its hard ! sumtimes we thought that they ar our besfren , but they not feel the same way. kire SS la nie. sobsob T__T  sentap hati ow ~ 

girl kn sensitip skit, *sensitip ke ? so, mmg prlukan sumone to talk n share with. spend time together, laugh, 

cry, n bla bla bla. . . tp klau x de. berdiam diri lebih baik hekk ~ 

When i tell you ILOVEYOU 
i dont say it out of habit or to make conversation .
i say it to you so you NEVER FORGET that you are
the BEST thing that ever happened to me .

thanks to all my fren yg sudi kwn dgn saya <3 <3 :')  SORRY coz im not PERFECT. 

Network Topology

  TARAA ~ heek ! new post utk tatapan anda semua. ^.^

what is TOPOLOGY ?

A network topology refers to the layout of the computers and devices in a communications network.


There are two basic categories of network topologies:

  • Physical topologies - arrangement of cabling    
  • Logicals topologies - the path that data travels between computers on a netwrok.

there are THREE types of network topology :
- Bus Network Topology
- Star Network Topology
- Ring Network Topology


  • A bus network consists of a single cable (backbone), to which all computers and other devices connect
  • Those signals are sent as electrical pulses that travel along the length of the cable in all directions 

1. Bus networks are inexpensive and easy to install.

2. Computers and other devices can be attached and detached at any point on the bus without disturbing the rest of the network.

3. Failure of one device usually does not affect the rest of the bus network


1. There might be disruption when computer or other devices are added or removed.

2. Because all systems on the network connect to  a single cable or backbone, a break in the cable will prevent all systems from accessing the network.

3. It is difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shut down.



  •  All the computers and other devices on the network connect to a central device, thus forming a star. 
  •  Two types of devices that provide a common central connection point to all the other devices on the network are a hub and a switch.


1. If one device fails, only that device is affected.

2. Devices can be added to or removed from network with little or no disruption.

3. Easy to troubleshoot and isolate problem


1. If the hub or switch fails, the entire network will be inoperabled.

2. Requires more cable than most of the other topologies.

3. More expensive because of the cost of the hub/switch.


  • On a ring network, a cable forms a closed loop (ring) with all computers and devices arranged along the ring
  •  Token passing is one method for sending data around a ring


1. The transmission of data is relatively simple as packets travel in one direction only.

2. Cable faults are easily located, making troubleshooting easier.

3. The uses of token passing enables all devices in a ring topology to share the network resources fairly.


1. A failure in any cable or device breaks the loop and can take down the entire network.

2. Data packets must pass through every computer therefore, this makes it slower.

3. A ring network can span a larger distance than a bus network, but it is more difficult to install.



*p/s : entry nie sbnrnya tuk keje sc com ak. mntak maap, copy paste brlaku di sini. nota x bwk balik. x taw nk tulih apa ~~ sobsob T_T

Sunday, September 25, 2011

sc com at KMPK

yarh !generally, mmg ak agak minat sn com. it looks like an intersting thing to 

learn, tp bila dh blaja, pergh ! quite diffclt. coz i need to memorise all the name,

definition ,n bla bla bla. sumtime nma tu pon ak x prnah denga. pfft ~ =='

tp kan bila dh belaja...

                         'WOW, baru ak taw apa yg ak guna slma nie' :D

even hari2 guna internet, n segala bagai yg seangkatan dgnnya. ak x taw lngsung fungsi2 dy. apa yg ak taw. berMUKA BUKU, berKOREA.... sabo je la. =__=

sekarang baru ak taw, apa tu INTERNET, ARPANET, TMnet, n sgala mcm mak nenek ak taw. hahaha~ :P

lg, ak blaja search engine, web browser n bnyk la. erk. x taw nk describe mcm mna.


actly, sn com nie menarik sgt ! kire bila lappy rosak, kita bole la apply apa yg kita belaja kn kn kn ! xD

first ak msuk KMPK nie, pergh ~ ak pk sn com nie senang ja. sbb ak x expect la kn bnyk plak bnda ak kena hafal. plus dgn bio yg brlmbak2 kena hafal, mmg TING TONG ak. +___+

ukey. mesti korang nk taw kn apa ak belaja ? ?  hehe. kitorng ada 3 session. lect, tutor n prac. semua bes ! sbb ckgu sn com SPORTING ! time sn com, ak x pnh rsa nk KONG ke, apa ke. even kalau attendnce x amik pon.. ak nk jgak p ! betapa cintanya ak kt SC COM ! hahaha >.<

lama-lama, ak minat tu timbul skit. *sbb sc com je yg ak rsa result pling ok antara 4 sub yg len. errrr ==?'

even my UPS x brapa, not too score la, tp ak akn trus belja sc com, smpai ak get da highest score ! not only sc com. tp tuk semua sub, insya-Allah. 4-flat ! waitin for ME ! ! ! ngee ~~ ^-^

                                                       - sudah tamat -
                                                            - thanx -

Saturday, April 16, 2011


14 apr, kamis ari tu. parents ak bwk la p kedah nun~ sj jln2 la kot. hehe. so, alang2 dh dkt dgn bkt kyu htm. kitorng pon sggh la skejap~ brg tu nk kta murh x da la sgt. bleyh la kot. hoho~ smpai ja sana. tgk ada mcm2 beg, kasut, coklat, pfuh~ bnyk sgt. so, beli la beg, konon nk prepare if ak msuk ostel la. hehe~ ak pun decide nk semua kaler purple. semua brg ak bli purple. hue~~ >.<

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

bunga sabun

hah. ak nk prmote skit bunga sabun nie. mula2 mak buat bunga sabun ni jus for fun. kire mcm hobi je. tp tetiba trlebih. so, jual la kn. hahah. kalau korang trasa nk beli ke. trminat ke. boleh lah hubungi sy eh. hoah~ u cn put it in ur room, car, office, toilet, dapur, bla..bla.bla. mnda ni pon sgt brguna swktu kecemasan. kalu rumah korng tetiba habis sabun, hah, boleh cabut bunga nie. buat sabun. so useful~~ so, tgk2 la bunga nie na~ ^^

Sunday, March 27, 2011

That Man

Han namjaga geudaereul saranghamnida
Geu namjaneun yeolshimhi saranghamnida
Maeil geurimjacheoreom geudaereul ttaradanimyeo
Geu namjaneun useumyeo ulgoisseoyo

Eolmana eolmana deo neoreul
Ireohke baraman bomyeo honja
I baramgateun sarang i geojigateun sarang
Gyesokhaeya niga nareul sarang hagenni OH

Jogeumman gakkai wa jogeumman
Hanbal dagagamyeon du bal domangganeun
Neol saranghaneun nan jigeumdo yeope isseo 
Geu namjan umnida

Geu namjaneun seonggyeogi soshimhamnida
Geuraeseo unneun beobeul baeweotdamnida
Chinhan chinguegedo mothaneun yaegiga manheun
Geu namjaeui maeumeun sangcheotuseongi

Geuraeseo geu namjaneun geudael
Neol sarang haetdeyo ttokgataseo
Tto hanagateun babo tto hanagateun babo
Hanbeon nareul anajugo gamyeon andweyo OH

Nan sarangbadgo shipeo geudaeyeo
Maeil sogeuroman gaseum sogeuroman
Sorireul jireumyeo geu namjaneun oneuldo
Geu yeope itdeyo OH

Geu namjaga naraneun geol anayo
Almyeonseodo ireoneun geon anijyo
Moreulkkeoya geudaen babonikka~

Eolmana eolmana deo neoreul
Ireohke baraman bomyeo honja
I babogateun sarang i geojigateun sarang
Gyesokhaeya niga nareul sarang hagenni OH

Jogeumman gakkai wa jogeumman
Hanbal dagagamyeon du bal domangganeun
Neol saranghaneun nan jigeumdo yeope isseo
Geu namjan umnida
ak suka lyric lgu nie. wah~ bes ! tgk eng sub dy. wowow~ ^^

Friday, March 25, 2011


bila tgk je TAEMIN main piano lagu ni. tros ak tringin gak. HAHA :D  wah~ even ak x taw nk main piano (dan seangkatan dgnnya) ak try gak cri note lagu nie. n finally, i found it! hehehe~~. ^^ so, i keep prctising tis song. until i can play it like him. >.< but its hard la, grr~ now, i can play it well. hehe. but not fast like him la. i need more prctising after dis. hoho~ ^^  kalu nk note dy. tgk video nie. bgus sgt. sng nk blaja. hehe. ^^

HAHA. ada sama ka? >.<


grrr! ngantuk gila hari ni. dah la smlm tdo dkt pkol 4 pg.[berFB brsama rkn2] then bngun pkol 6 pg. =__=  ngntok gila. nk bukak mata pun x lrat. time solat pon mta berat ja. huhu~ =.=  pas tu kena plak p blaja moto. kalu x. mmg dah smbung tido blek.hehe >.<  then , elok pkol 7 tros pegi tmpt lesen. smpai tmpt lesen. hujan plak. ceit, tros pegi mkn kt kmunting dulu. elok time nk mkn. mata tpejam. tetido kjap. AHAHA. (ngntok nk mati.fuh). dkt pkol 830 bru pgi blaja itu moto. time tu elok plak mata bkak luas2. ahaha. kalu time bwk moto tu mta trpjam. alamt tido ospital la ak. ahaha .

abis blaja. teros pegi TS. jln2 cri KAIN. hehe. nk buat bju. (sape nk tmpah bleh la ak buatkan) ^^ so, seblum ayh ak nk p msjid. p la mkn dlu. pegi la PELITA. fuh~ nasi goreng ayam yg ak idam2 kn dpt gak ak mkn hari nie. ahaha. knyg gila la! ALHAMDULILLAH. ^^ mak ak plak bwk blik nasi briani dgn AYAM BESA GILA! (tringat onew. hehe) ahah >.< balek je rumah. ak tros tdo. 4 jam ak tdo. ahaha . puas HATI! hehe. mlm nie x taw la bleh tido ke x. hue~ pkol 2 pg nie kakak ak blek. wah~ x saba ! hehe. dy kata nk bwk balek MACARON. fuh~ mcm2 btol. hehe . ^^

WAH~ look nice rite! cant wait to eat this! hehe . colourful~

AHAH. kain nie nk buat blaus. ok ke? ahaha. >.<

Thursday, March 24, 2011

new update!

hello. hello. hehe. jus nk testing. dah lama x memblog2 nie. ari nie bru trdetik nk update. hehe~          
nie pon sbb kwn2 yg mengingatkn ak tntg blog. semua bz promote blog. heheh >.< so, trlahirlah post bru nieyh. ahaha~  thnx ya kwn2! ^^ [ INTAN, MAY, AIMI, AIN, FARAH] thnx again coz dah folow ak~ gomawo! ahaha >.<